Solving design problems for businesses of all sizes

Project Journal

The grind of discovery begins.

So my role isn’t really a pure PM for this project. AFH has a buttoned up process with their own oversight, checks, and balances. No reason to upend their system.

I am already serving as a factotum, intermediary, and facilitator. This is more than fine. This is good.

The style guide is coming along nicely and I have some proposals for the foundation on Monday that will make progress much more fluid.

Now, if I can only put the financial administrative paperwork on the top of the pile!

A key to completion will be establishing protocol, procedure, and defining expectations early. Next week will be a big one for gathering data. My goal is to find ways to compile meaningful information and opinion from BAA/F without having to schedule meetings endlessly.

That being said, hierarchy and meeting schedule are outstanding projects of mine.

Adam Ross